mardi 19 janvier 2016

The ghost of the CDI

Après la poésie en 6ème, place au récit fantastique en 4ème et... en anglais!
Voici ce qu'ont imaginé deux de nos élèves en partenariat avec l'une des AESH du dispositif.

There is a ghost who lives in the CDI. He was a pupil 63 years ago but he died running and falling in the stairs.

He must stay in Sévigné for the rest of his life so he spends his days making jokes: he makes computers going wrong, he makes strange noises, he puts books in the wrong order, he scares G. and Mrs C. and he shuts the door when pupils want to come in. When he is in the room, it's very cold and the lights go out. When the CDI is closed, we can hear shrieks and chain-rattling

He is self confident, he thinks he is the best ghost. He has long and brown hair, he is very pale, he is tall and very slim.

A. & B.

The stairs: les escaliers
He spends his days: il passe ses journées
Jokes: blagues
Strange noises: bruits étranges
In the wrong order: dans le mauvais ordre
He shuts the door: Il ferme la porte
Come in: entrer
The lights go out: les lumières s'éteignent
Shrieks: cris perçants
Chain-rattling: cliquetis de chaîne